We are closed from December 25th to January 2nd, 2025. Orders can be placed but will be shipped from January 2nd.


At House of Products you don’t have the right to return items.

If you cancel the order, we will charge 10% administration costs on the order amount.

If you have any defects and/or questions about your received items, please contact us at customerservice@houseofproducts.com within 72 hours of receiving your order. We ask you to describe the complaint clearly, complete it with any photos, and state the correct order and customer number. This way we are able to deal with your complaint or question and ensure optimal service and handling.
We process all orders with the utmost care and proper protection for shipment. However, our products, mainly made of paper, are fragile and we discourage resale for this reason.
If you have any questions, please contact us at customerservice@houseofproducts.com or +31 (0) 88-7127000.
Please always communicate with your customer number and item number.
All colors are approximate, the actual colors may vary. | All prices are excl. VAT